
It is possible to search for the history of IC production, processing, inspection, and shipping from the shipment results.
The lot number is used as the minimum unit for these traces, and a date code is used to identify package products and module products additionally.

The following items are included in the record contents linked to the lot number.

  • Loss, division
  • Equipment used, recipes, tools used, date and time of processing, and workers in the pre- and post-processes
  • Equipment used, recipes, tools used, date and time of processing, workers, and inspection results for in-house inspections and monitoring
  • Date and time of processing, worker, shipping destination, order number, shipping company used for shipping and packing
  • In outsourcing, outsourcee, shipping date, receiving date, shipping quantity, receiving quantity, acceptance inspection result, outsourcee lot number
  • Trouble and troubleshooting within the company and at outsourcee’s

In order to achieve quality that satisfies our customers, we show the process from planning, development, production to shipping and collaboration with each other.

We evaluate the suitability of quality and reliability designs by reliability testing based on accumulated reliability data.

Semiconductor products are easily affected by the surrounding environment, so please handle and store them with sufficient care.

Introduces the in-house analysis system and analysis examples for identifying the location of failures and cause of defects.

Aiming to harmonize with the global environment, we are working to reduce harmful chemical substances contained in our products, including our supply chain.